Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I came across a very interesting idea recently about people who volunteer at work. That is not to say they contribute to the company's habitat for humanity crew or that they bring in canned foods to share in the bin next to the receptionist. Rather, they are volunteering at their jobs. Of course, they're getting paid, just like everyone else. However, these special people are so in demand because of their ability to do their job that they can get a job at any company, at any time, in any business climate. They're not concerned with a recession nor with hiring freezes. If they apply to work at a company, the company will make room for them. So in that sense, these people are volunteering their time to come into your particular office, as opposed to any other office at any other company. If they didn't want to come in, they wouldn't -- they'd simply get a job elsewhere.

Are you a volunteer?

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