Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Problems With Blogs

Blogs are often mis-used. They're fine if you're just trying to share your thoughts at the moment, and don't really care if people can go back and see what you thought last week. They're also fine if you're a site like Gizmodo, where your reviews of gadgets are outdated by the end of the day. They're fine for link-of-the-day or picture-of-the-day stuff too.

Blogs are not fine when you're doing anything that has an order. All too many people blog about their trip to Swaziland. If you ever look at someone's completed blog, you start reading about how it is to come back home, then you read about the flight back, then about how the traveller has finally figured out the local customs, then about how confusing the customs are, then about the plane flight there, then about packing and last minute preparations. It's all backwards!

Anything where you're documenting a process, a blog is bad for. Not building a house. Not taking a vacation. Not the first year of your child's life.

The only reason I think blogs are so popular is they're easy to write, and you're provided with all the infrastructure. There's no page layout issues -- you have posts and you can display 1-999 posts per page. That's it. No linking, no navigation.

Someone should invent a reverse blog at the very least.

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