Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Problems with Podcasting

Reading a written article is nice because you can pace yourself. The headline is what draws your interest, but you can quickly glance at random spots in the article to see if it is interesting to you. Skip the material if you don't care at all, skim it if you don't care much, or read carefully if you're really interested.

The problem is that podcasting (both audio and video) has such a nice cachet to it these days that everyone is trying it. I'm not saying it doesn't have its place -- I really enjoy Ze Frank's The Show (sadly over as of 3/17/2007). The problem comes in when a publication you expect to read in text form, say, tries to do a podcast as a replacement for a column.

Specifically, I really like their idea of reader-submitted euphanisms for various topics which change monthly, but I don't like their podcast. It's too much of a discussion, and what I really want is a list of the top 25 euphanisms which I can skim through, pick out the gems for myself, and move on with my day.

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